Tawaw outreach collective (TOC)

Harm Reduction, Social Action & Connection

Tawaw [ tah - wow ];

You are welcome here,

there is space for me & you

Amiskwacîwâskahikan - Treaty 6 Territory - ᐊᒥᐢᑿᒌᐚᐢᑲᐦᐃᑲᐣ

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Tawâw Outreach Collective is respective to the lands we are located on Treaty 6 territory a traditional meeting grounds gathering place and travelling route of the original inhabitants including the Cree Blackfoot Métis Nakota Sioux Iroquois Dené Ojibway Saulteaux Anishinaabe Inuit and many other diverse groups whose histories languages and cultures that continue to influence our growing communities We acknowledge and honour all First Nations Inuit and Métis people whose footsteps have marked these lands for several generations We are grateful for the Traditional Knowledge Keepers and Elders who are still with us today and honour those who have gone before us We recognize our responsibility to the land and community as an act of reconciliation and gratitude to those whose territory we reside on or are visiting All of us who live and work here are bound by the signing of Treaties and share a collective responsibility to ensure that the spirit of Treaty 6 is honoured and respected

Who We Are

We are an Indigenous-led, grassroots harm reduction organization in Treaty 6 [edmonton]. We provide community street outreach and offer community-level, public and private training and educational workshops. We promote Indigenous Harm Reduction, De-Stigmatizing Substance Use, Indigenous Awareness and Naloxone Training Sessions.

We are Advocates for Indigenous Harm Reduction, Social Action & Justice

We are committed to reducing stigma, educating people about the drug poisoning crisis, and fostering inclusion for Indigenous people.


Meeting folks where they’re at with harm reduction supplies and other necessities.

Hosting a harm reduction table at local events supplying Naloxone kits, drug test strips, safe sex supplies, & information.


Training services for Naloxone and Drug Poisoning Response, Indigenous Awareness & Harm Reduction Training



Being Indigenous-led and decolonizing is about recognizing the agency and self-determination of Indigenous people and taking concrete actions to rectify historical injustices while respecting their cultures, rights, and voices. We recognize that decolonization involves building more inclusive and diverse societies where everyone’s contributions and voices are valued.


We are an Indigenous-led organization. This means that the leadership positions within the organization are held primarily by Indigenous individuals. This ensures that the organization's direction is shaped by indigenous perspectives, values, and priorities.


As a grassroots organization, we do not receive government funding. We believe in remaining independent to offer support on our terms. We rely on the generosity of compassionate individuals to raise funds for our initiatives.


Being a mutual-aid organization means fostering a sense of community, solidarity, and shared responsibility among members to provide practical assistance and support during challenging times while also working towards broader social change.


Colonialism perpetuated systems of oppression, racism, and discrimination. These systems harm not only marginalized groups but also perpatuate divisions and inequalities within societies. Effort from all cultures and groups are needed to dismantle these systems.

Photo by @thewolvesarecalling

More than just handing out harm reduction supplies, our volunteers focus on building connections and fostering a sense of community. We believe every person has a story worth hearing, and we strive to honour the gift of storytelling that is important amongst Indigenous cultures. Often folks feel welcomed and comfortable with our presence, and many want to tell us their story. We consider this a gift and we don’t rush from one person to the next, we try to take the time to listen to folks and honour and validate their existence. We are an empowerment based group and do our best to make others feel heard and seen.